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 Matthias Weisser Logo Matthias Weisser's
alternative Medizin
Hilfe 1 Psyche 2 Statik 3 Ernährung 4 Gifte 5 Zahnherde 6 Störfelder 7 Parasiten
8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur

1. Psyche, Unterbewußtsein - Literatur
Teil 1: Zusammenhänge, Therapieansätze
Teil 2: Literaturhinweise zum Anklicken
Teil 3: Literaturhinweise Wissenschaft
siehe auch: Gehirn Ernährung Energie Licht Störfelder Mobilfunk

"jede Krankheit läßt sich aufhalten.. die Regeneration des Körpers wird den Rest übernehmen.." Baklayan

Experte werden für die eigene Gesundheit

Literatur, Patente
"Krankheit als Verlust der inneren Harmonie und des Vertrauens in uns selbst" L. Hay
beachte Ernährung, Nährstoffe, Infektionen, Toxine, Gifte im Körper..
  Cox: "Practical observations on insanity" Philadelphia 1811
  Pinel: "Treatise on insanity" 1806 englische Ausgabe.. Wechselfieber heilt Geisteskrankheiten..
  1822: William Beaumont zeigt Zusammenhang Magensäure und Stimmung..
  Prichard: "A treatise on insanity and other disorders affecting the mind" Philadelphia 1837
  Ellis: "A treatise on the nature, symptoms, causes, and treatment of insanity, with practical observations on lunatic asylums, and a description of the proper lunatic asylum for the county of Middlesex, at Hanwell" London 1838
  Jarvis: "Insanity and insane asylums" Louisville 1841
  Voison: "De l'idiotie chez les enfants" Paris 1843
  Thurham: "Observations and essays on the statistics of insanity" London 1845
  Kirkbride: "A sketch of the history, buildings, and organization of the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane" Am J Insanity 2 97-114 10.1845
  Esquirol: "Mental maladies; a treatise on insanity" 1845 englische Ausgabe.. Infektion heilt Geisteskrankheiten..
  Amelung: "Bericht über die Ergebnisse des Hospitals Hofheim in statistischer und heilkundiger Beziehung vom Jahre 1847" Allg Z Psychiat 6 433-334, 437-438 1849 Besserung Geisteskrankheit nach Malaria..
  "Heilungsrate bei Schizophrenie ~45% um 1850 in England und USA.. Dorothea Lynde Dix Hospital.. heute nur ~15% Heilung.." Hoffer: "Megavitamin therapy for psychosis"
  Gaye: "Schilderung eines in der Irrenanstalt bei Schleswig in den Jahren 1846 und 1847 epidemisch aufgetretenen gastrischen und typhösen Fiebers" Allg Z Psychiat 9 173-199 1852 Infektion heilt Geisteskrankheiten..
  Earle: "An examination of the practice of bloodletting in mental disorders" New York 1854
  Briquet: "Traite clinique et therapeutique de l'hysterie" Bailliere, Paris 1859 Infektion heilt Geisteskrankheiten..
  Nasse: "Neue Beobachtungen über den Einfluss des Wechselfiebers auf das Irresein" Allg Z Psychiat 21 1-46 1864 Malaria bessert Irresein..
  Nasse: "Zur Diagnose und Prognose der allgemeinen fortschreitenden Paralyse der Irren"
Irrenfreund 12 97-115 1870 Infektion bessert Irresein..
  Kahn: "Nervous exhaustion: its cause and cure" New York 1870
  Nasse: "Über die Beziehungen zwischen Typhus und Irresein" Allg Z Psychiat 27 11-42 1870-71 Verschwinden von Symptomen durch Typhus..
  Oks: "Über die Wirkung fieberhafter Krankheiten auf Heilung von Psychosen" Arch Psychiatr 10 249-256 1880
  Campbell: "On the effects of enteric fever in the insane" J ment Sci 28 212-220 1882-83 Verschwinden von Symptomen durch Fieber..
  Thudichum: "A treatise on the chemical constitution of the brain" Balliere, Tindall and Cox, London 1884 Geisteskrankheiten durch Gifte.. gestörter Stoffwechsel erzeugt/transpotiert Gifte ins Gehirn.. das Gehirn besser verstehen, chemische Zusammensetzung..
  Wagner-Jauregg: "Über die Einwirkung fieberhafter Erkrankungen auf Psychosen" Jahrbücher Psychiat Neurol 7 94-131 1887 Fieber wirkt günstig auf Psychosen..
  Wagner-Jauregg: "Psychiatrische Heilbestrebungen" Wiener Klin Wochenschr 8 155-159 1895 Heilung durch Infektion..
  Boeck: "Versuche über die Einwirkung künstlich erzeugten Fiebers bei Psychosen" Jahrbuch Psychiat Neurol 14 199-268 1895 Fieber gg. Psychosen..
  Maudsley: "The causation and prevention of insanity" 1899 Verschwinden von Symptomen durch Ausbruch Tuberkulose..
  Chase: "Static electricity in the treatment of insanity" Philadelphia Med J 4 800 1902
  Wilson: "Neuro-electricity: the electropathology of disease and therapeutics" Med Times 42 547 1914
  Clymer: "Diet, the way to health" Beverly Hall, Quakertown, Pa 1917 Zusammenhang Ernährung und Krankheiten, geistige Gesundheit..
  Cotton: "The relation of oral infection to mental diseases" JDR 1,3 269-313 9.1919 blockierte Zähne.. Fallbeispiele..
  Elida Evans: "A Psychological Study of Cancer" Dodd, Mead & Co 1926..
  Diserens: "The Influence of Music on Behavior" Princeton University Press 1926..
  Brauchle: "Hypnose und Autosuggestion" Dresden 1927
  Hautrive: "De l'influence de la lumiere sur les estres organises" Paris 1828
  Beard: "The influence of the mind in the causation and cure of disease: the potency of definite expectation" J Nerv Ment Dis 3 429-436 1876
  Cormac: "Light therapy in mental hospitals" Proc R Soc Med 22,4 455-468 2.1929 UV-Licht nützlich bei Geisteskrankheiten, Hauttuberkulose, Tuberkulose, Rachitis.. Palm 1890, Finsen 1893, Bernhard von Samaden, Rollier 1903, Gauvain 1908, Nagelschmidt 1908, Reyn 1913, Huldschinsky 1918.. Kohlebogen 80A.. Ganzkörperbestrahlung anfangs 5min vorne + 5min hinten je 6-8 Patienten.. dann +1min/Tag bis 30min in 1m Abstand.. Sonnenlicht als bester Masseur.. mehr antibakterielle Wirkung des Blutes, mehr Immunkraft -> Wirkung gg. septische Psychosen.. mehr Eisen im Blut, mehr Jod in Schilddrüse, weniger Lethargie, weniger Blutdruck.. Photosensitizer wie Methylenblau, Eosin, Jodid, Bromid etc.. normales Glas sperrt UV aus.. UV-durchlässig sind Vita-Glas, Sun-Ray-Glas usw. genutzt in Schulen, Krankenhäusern, Privathäusern, Londoner Zoo.. fluoreszierende Pigmente von Bakterien abnormaler Darmflora B. proteus, B. fluorescens, B. pyocyaneus..
  Brauchle: "Von der Macht des Unbewußten" Dresden 1929
  Honekamp: "Die Heilung der Geisteskrankheiten durch Sanierung des endokrin-vegetativen Systems mit natürlichen Heilstoffen" Marhold, Halle 1936 Bierhefe..
  Wachholder: "Inwieweit sind die Vitamine und zumal das Vitamin C für den Neurologen und Psychiater von Interesse?" Fortschritte Neurologie 10 260-288 1938 Vitamin C..
  Cleckley, Sydenstricker, Geeslin: "Nicotinic acid in treatment of atypical psychotic states associated with malnutrition" JAMA 112,21 2107-2110 27.5.1939
  Gerard, Libet: "The control of normal and 'convulsive' brain potentials" Am J Psychiat 96,5 1125-1152 3.1940
  Lucksch: "C-Vitamin und Schizophrenie" Wiener Klin Wochenschr 53 1009-1011 1940 Schizophrenie..
  Berkenau: "Vitamin C in senile psychoses. A preliminary report" Br J Psychiatry 86,363 675-679 7.1940 Psychosen..
  Remp, Rosen, Ziegler, Cameron: "Ascorbic acid levels in patients suffering from psychoses of the senium" J Mental Science 86 534-537 1940 Psychosen..
  Sydenstricker, Cleckley: "The effect of nicotinic acid in stupor, lethargy and various other psychiatric disorders" Am J Psychiatry 98 83-92 7.1941
  Rosenblum: "Relation of febrile diseases to the psychoses" Arch Derm Syph 48 52-58 1943 Heilung durch Fieber..
  Plattner, Löhnis: "Über krampffreie Elektrobehandlung depressiver Zustände. Probleme und Erfahrungen" Monatsschrift Psychiat Neurol 108,4 209-222 1943
  Caldwell, Hardwick: "Vitamin deficiency and the psychoses" Br J Psychiatry 90,378 95-108 1.1944
  Harrell: "Mental response to added thiamine" J Nutr 31 283-298 3.1946 Tests an Waisen..
  Biskind, Bieber: "DDT poisoning; a new syndrome with neuropsychiatric manifestations" Am J Psychother 3,2 261-270 4.1949 Psyche durch Gifte..
  Ravitz: "Electrometric correlates of the hypnotic state" Science 112,2908 341-342 22.9.1950
  Ravitz: "Use of DC measurements in psychiatry" Neuropsychiatry 1 3 1951
  Ravitz: "Standing potential correlates of hypnosis and narcosis" AMA Arch Neurol Psychiatry 65,4 413-436 4.1951
  Rosenow: "Influence of streptococcal infections on the compulsive behavior of criminals" Postgrad Med 10,5 423-432 11.1951
  Bowlby: "Maternal care and mental health" World Health Organization Monograph (Serial No. 2) 1951
  Ravitz: "Electrocyclic phenomena and emotional states" J Clin Exp Psychopath 13 69 1952
  Ravitz: "Bioelectric correlates of emotional states" Conn Med 16,7 499-505 7.1952
  Ravitz: "Electrodynamic field theory in psychiatry" South Med J 46,7 650-660 7.1953
  De Sauvage Nolting: "Vitamin C in schizophrenia" Geneeskundige Gids 31,20 424-425 1.10.1953 Schizophrenie..
  De Sauvage Nolting: "Possible relationship between psychopathy and vitamin C" Geneeskundige Gids 32,14 269-271 8.7.1954 Psychopathen..
  Blumenberg, West, Ellis: "A possible relationship between psychological factors and human cancer" Psychosom Med 16,4 277-286 1954 Psyche und Krebs..
  De Sauvage Nolting: "Effect of vitamin C deficiency on the etiology of the mental disorder in mental deficiency" Geneeskundige Gids 33,6 115-118 17.3.1955 Geisteskrankheiten..
  De Sauvage Nolting: "Defective brain development caused by vitamin C deficiency" Geneeskundige Gids 33,17 349-351 18.8.1955 Hirnschaden..
  Ravitz: "Comparative clinical and electrocyclic observations on twin brothers concordant as to schizophrenia" J Nerv Ment Disease 121 72 1955
  Bowlby, Ainsworth, Boston, Rosenbluth: "The effects of mother-child separation: A follow-up study" Br J Med Psychology 29 211-247 1956
  Klopfer: "Psychological variables in human cancer" J Projective Techniques 21 331-340 1957
  Taubman, Jantz: "Untersuchung über die dem Adrenochrom zugeschrieben psychotoxischen Wirkungen" Nervenarzt 28 485-488 1957
  Hoffer, Osmond, Callbeck, Kahan: "Treatment of schizophrenia with nicotinic acid and nicotinamide" J Clin Exp Psychopathol 18,2 131-158 1957
  Bowlby: "The nature of the child's tie to his mother" Int J Psycho-Analysis 39 350-373 1958
  Bowlby: "Separation anxiety" Int J Psycho-Analysis 41 1-25 1959
  Bowlby: "Über das Wesen der Mutter-Kind-Bindung" Psyche 13,7 415-456 1.1959
  Osmond, Hoffer: "Schizophrenia: A new approach III" J Ment Science 105 653-673 1959
  Ravitz: "Application of the electrodynamic field theory in biology, psychiatry, medicine and hypnosis" Am J Clin Hypnosis 1,4 135-150 4.1959
  Bowlby: "Grief and mourning in infancy and early childhood" Psychoanal Study Child 15 9-52 1960
  Osmond, Hoffer: "Pro domo sua. A brief account of the Saskatchewan research in psychiatry" J Neuropsychiatr 2 287-291 8.1961 Schizophrenie..
  Punekar: "Blood ascorbic-acid levels of mental patients in different age-groups: clinical categories and economic status" Indian J Med Res 49 828-833 9.1961 Geisteskrankheiten..
  Carson, Neill: "Metabolic abnormalities detected in a survey of mentally backward individuals in Northern Ireland" Arch Dis Childhood 37 505-513 1962 B-Vitamine, Folsäure..
  Hoffer: "Niacin Therapy in Pschiatry" Thomas, Springfield, IL 1962
  Hoffer: "Malnutrition and mental disease" Br Med J 1 1342 12.5.1962 Vitamin C bei Schizophrenie..
  Osmond, Hoffer: "Massive niacin treatment in schizophrenia. Review of a nine-year study" Lancet 1,7224 316-319 10.2.1962 Vitamin B3..
  Briggs, Andrews, Kitto, Segal, Graham, Baillie: "A comparison of the metabolism of ascorbic acid in schizophrenia, pregnancy and in normal subjects" New Zealand Med J 61 555-558 1962 Schizophrenie..
  Hoffer, Osmond: "Scurvy and schizophrenia" Dis Nerv Syst 24 273-285 5.1963 Schizophrenie.. viele zitierte Arbeiten.. Verhältnis Ascorbinsäure/Dehydroascorbinsäure..
  Hoffer: "Nicotinic acid: an adjunct in the treatment of schizophrenia" Am J Psychiatry 120 171-173 8.1963 Nicotinsäure = Niacin gg. Schizophrenie..
  Friedman, Becker, Bachman: "Geomagnetic parameters and psychiatric hospital admissions" Nature 200 626-628 1963 statistisch signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen Magnetstürmen und Aufnahmezahlen in psychiatrische Kliniken..
  Milner: "Ascorbic acid in chronic psychiatric patients: a controlled trial" Br J Psychiatry 109 294-299 1963 psychiatrische Patienten brauchen mehr Vitamin C.. signifikante Besserung nach Vitamin C-Sättigung bei depressiv, manisch, paranoid..
  Hoffer, Osmond: "Treatment of schizophrenia with nicotinic acid - a ten year follow-up" Acta Psychiat Scand 40,2 171-189 6.1964 Schizophrenie..
  Huxley, Mayr, Osmond, Hoffer: "Schizophrenia as a genetic morphism" Nature 204 220-221 17.10.1964 Schizophrenie..
  Redfearn, Lippold, Costain: "A preliminary account of the clinical effects of polarizing the brain in certain psychiatric disorders" Br J Psychiatry 110 773-785 11.1964
  Costain, Redfearn, Lippold: "A controlled trial of the therapeutic effects of polarization of the brain in depressive illness" Br J Psychiatry 110 786-799 11.1964
  McGuire, Vallance: "Aversion therapy by electric shock: a simple technique" Br Med J 1,5376 151-153 18.1.1964
  Friedman, Becker, Bachman: "Psychiatric ward behavior and geophysical parameters" Nature 205 1050-1052 1965
  Miller, Mathas: "The use and effectiveness of electrosleep in the treatment of some common psychiatric problems" Am J Psychiatry 122,4 460-462 10.1965
  Andren-Sandberg, Rayner: "Experiment with a vitamin C-containing drink in a mental hospital department" Nord Med 74,41 1022-1023 14.10.1965
  Hoffer: "Treatment of organic psychosis with nicotinic acid (a single case)" Dis Nerv Syst 26 358-360 1965
  Hoffer, Osmond: "New hope for alcoholics" University Books, New York 1966
  Hoffer, Osmond: "How to Live with Schizophrenia" University Books New York 1966 Nährstoffe gg. Schizophrenie.. Osmonds Sohn behandelt..
  Griffiths: "Ascorbic acid nutrition in mentally subnormal patients" J Ment Defic Res 10,2 94-104 6.1966
  VanderKamp: "A biochemical abnormality in schizophrenia involving ascorbic acid" Int J Neuropsychiatry 2,3 204-206 6.1966 hoher Vitamin C-Bedarf bei Schizophrenie.. Erfolg mit 6-8g alle 4h..
  Ramsay, Schlagenhauf: "Treatment of depression with low voltage direct current" South Med J 59,8 932-934 8.1966
  Hejanic, Moss-Herjanic: "Ascorbic acid test in psychiatric patients" J Schizophrenia 1 257-260 1967 hoher Vitamin C-Bedarf bei Schizophrenie..
  Hoffer, Osmond: "The Hallucinogens" Academic Press New York 1967
  Newsletter, American Schizophrenia Foundation 10.1967 12 psychiatrische Studien zeigen 80% Besserung/Heilung von 1500 Schizophrenen durch Megavitamin-Therapie.. 1500 Ärzte in USA, Kanada und >100 Zentren nutzen diese Behandlung..
  Blachly, Disher, Roduner: "Suicide by physicians" Bull Suicidology 4 1-18 12.1968 Ärzte-Selbstmord..
  Craig, Pitts: "Suicide by physicians" Dis Nerv Syst 29,11 763-772 11.1968 Ärzte-Selbstmord..
  Sirotkin: "Impressions of Soviet psychiatry. The chronic care system" Am J Psychiatry 125 656-660 11.1968 Trinken sauerstoffangereichertes Wasser führt zur Verbesserung des Wohlbefindens..
  Pauling: "Orthomolecular psychiatry. Varying the concentrations of substances normally present in the human body may control mental disease" Science 160,3825 265-271 19.4.1968
  Pauling: "Vitamin therapy: treatment for the mentally ill" Science 160,3833 1181-1182 14.6.1968
  Ott: "Responses of psychological and physiological functions to environmental light" J Learning Disabilities 1,5 5.1968
  Ott: "Responses of psychological and physiological functions to environmental radiation stress" J Learning Disabilities 1,6 6.1968
  Campbell, Messing: "Aversion thresholds and aversion difference limens for white light in albino and hooded rats" J Exp Psychology 82,2 353-359 11.1969
  Devine: "Build a psycho-analyzer" Popular Electronics 2.1969
  Hoffer: "Safety, side effects and relative lack of toxicity of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide" Schizophrenia 1 78-87 1969
  Carney: "Negative polarization of the brain in the treatment of manic states" Irish J Med Sci 2 133 1969
  Greenbaum: "An evaluation of niacinamide in the treatment of childhood schizophrenia" Am J Psychiatry 127,1 89-93 7.1970
  Hawkins, Bortin, Runyon: "Orthomolecular psychiatry: niacin and megavitamin therapy" Psychosomatics 11,5 517-521 1970
  Ravitz: "Electromagnetic field monitoring of changing state-function, including hypnotic states" J Am Soc Psychosom Dent Med 17,4 119-127 1970
  Boulton: "Biochemical research in schizophrenia" Nature 231,5297 22-28 7.5.1971 Schizophrenie.. 191 Literaturstellen..
  Hoffer: "Megavitamin B-3 therapy for schizophrenia" Can Psychiatr Assoc J 16,6 499-504 1971 Vitamin B3 bei Schizophrenie..
  Kinsman, Hood: "Some behavioral effects of ascorbic acid deficiency" Am J Clin Nutr 24 455-464 1971 Vitamin C und Verhalten..
  Koegler, Hicks, Barger: "Medical and psychiatric use of electrosleep. Transcerebral electrotherapy" Dis Nerv Syst 32,2 100-104 2.1971
  Rosenthal: "Electrosleep therapy" Current Psychiatric Therapies 12 104-107 1972
  Hoffer: "LSD-induced psychosis and vitamin B3" Am J Psychiatry 128 1155 1972 Vitamin B3 gg. Psychose..
  Biskind, Mobbs: "Psychiatric manifestations from insecticide exposure" JAMA 220,9 1248 29.5.1972 Psyche durch Gifte..
  Persinger, Ossenkopp, Glavin: "Behavioral changes in adult rats exposed to ELF magnetic fields" Int J Biometeorol 16,2 155-162 4.1972
  US-Patent 3773049: Gerät zur Behandlung neuropsychischer und somatischer Erkrankungen mit Hitze, Licht, Ton und VHF-Strahlung. Rabichev, Vasiliev, Putilin, Ilina, Raku, Kernitsky 13.11.1970 -> 20.11.1973
  Rose, Rosow: "Physicians who kill themselves" Arch Gen Psychiatry 29,6 800-805 12.1973 Ärzte-Selbstmord..
  Wen, Cheung: "Treatment of drug addiction by acupuncture and electrical stimulation" Am J Acupuncture 1 71-75 1973 Elektroakupunktur gg. Drogen..
  Persinger, Ludwig, Ossenkopp: "Psychophysiological effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields: a review" Percept Mot Skills 36,3c 1131-1159 6.1973
  Pauling, Robinson, Oxley et al: "Results of a loading test of ascorbic acid, niacinamide, and pyridoxine in schizophrenic subjects and controls" in "Orthomolecular Psychiatry: Treatment of Schizophrenia" Freeman 1973 S.18-34
  Wittenborn, Weber, Brown: "Niacin in the long-term treatment of schizophrenia" Arch Gen Psychiatry 28,3 308-315 3.1973
  Bowlby: "Mütterliche Zuwendung und geistige Gesundheit. Material Care and Mental Health" Kindler 1973..
  Moser: "The orthomolecular treatment of schizophrenia" Dissertation Ann Arbor Universität, Michigan Microfilm No. 74-26553 1974 Literaturrecherche.. gestörte Körperchemie durch hochdosierte Nährstoffe korrigieren.. dazu gute Ernährung ohne Allergie auslösende Substanzen.. Vermeidung Unterzucker.. Beratung..
  Nias, Shapiro: "The effects of small electrical currents upon depressive symptoms" Br J Psychiatry 125,0 414-415 10.1974
  Marshall, Izard: "Cerebral electrotherapeutic treatment of depressions" J Consult Clin Psychol 42,1 93-97 2.1974
  Justesen: "Microwaves and behavior" Am Psychologist 392 391-401 1975
  Hoffer: "The relation of crime to nutrition" Humanist in Canada 8,3 2-9 8.1975
  Moore, Mellor, Standage, Strong: "A double blind study of electrosleep for anxiety and insomnia" Biol Psychiatry 10,1 59-63 2.1975
  Ng, Douthitt, Thoa, Albert: "Modification of morphine-withdrawal syndrome in rats following transauricular electrostimulation: an experimental paradigm for auricular electroacupuncture" Biol Psychiatry 10 575-580 1975
  Bowlby: "Trennung. Psychische Schäden als Folge der Trennung von Mutter und Kind" Kindler 1976..
  McKenzie, Costello, Buck: "Electrosleep (electrical transcranial stimulation) in the treatment of anxiety, depression and sleep disturbance in chronic alcoholics" J Altered States of Consciousness 2,2 185-195 1975-1976
  Prastka: "Orthomolecular approach to the theory and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse" 1976
  Passini, Watson, Herder: "The effects of cerebral electric therapy (electrosleep) on anxiety, depression, and hostility in psychiatric patients" J Nerv Ment Dis 163,4 263-266 10.1976
  Scallet, Cloninger, Othmer: "The management of chronic hysteria: a review and double blind trial of electrosleep and other relaxation methods" Dis Nerv Syst 37,6 347-353 6.1976
  Ehrmann, Ludwig, Sodtke: "Influence of alternating magnetic fields on psychosomatic ailments" The Second Bioclimatologic Colloquium, München 1976
  Hoffer: "Megavitamin therapy: In reply to the American Psychiatric Association Task Force report on megavitamins and orthomolecular psychiatry" Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation 1976
  Ott: "Influence of fluorescent lights on hyperactivity and learning disabilities" J Learning Disabilities 417-422 1976
  Philpott: "Physiology of violence: The role of cerebral hypersensitive reaction in aggression" 1976
  Cheraskin, Ringsdorf: "Influence of nutrients on behavior. Medical progress through innovation" New Dynamics of Preventive Medicine 5 19-50 1977
  Hoffer: "Orthomolecular psychiatry in theory and practice" Drug Therapy 79-85 1977
  Ryan, Souheaver: "The role of sleep in electrosleep therapy for anxiety" Dis Nerv Syst 38,7 515-517 7.1977
  Libby, Stone: "The hypoascorbemia-kwashiorkor approach to drug addiction therapy: A pilot study" J Ortho-molecular Psychiatry 6 300-308 1977 Drogensucht..
  Sohler, Kruesi, Pfeiffer: "Blood lead levels in psychiatric outpatients reduced by zinc and vitamin C" Orthomol Psych 6,3 272-276 1977 Blei reduzieren durch Zink und Vitamin C..
  de Lorge, Grissett: "Behavioral effects in monkeys exposed to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields" Int J Biometeorology 21,4 357-365 12.1977
  Ho, Wen, Lam, Ma: "The influence of electro-acupuncture on naloxone induced morphine withdrawal in mice: elevation of brain opiate-like activity" Ear J Pharmacol 49 197-199 1978
  Clement-Jones, McLoughlin, Lowry, Besser, Rees, Wen: "Acupuncture in heroin addicts: changes in met-enkephalin and beta-endorphin in blood and cerebrospinal fluid" Lancet 2 380-383 1979
  Reichmanis, Perry, Marino, Becker: "Relation between suicide and the electromagnetic field of overhead power lines" Physiol Chem Phys 11,5 395-403 1979 Selbstmord..
  Berkman, Syme: "Social networks, host resistance, and mortality: a nine-year follow-up study of Alameda County residents" Am J Epidemiol 109,2 186-204 2.1979 sozial isoliert -> 2.3x mehr Sterblichkeit Männer, 2.8x mehr bei Frauen.. 2 gute Grafiken mit altersabhängigen Sterblichkeiten in Abhängigkeit von sozialen Kontakten..
  Grossarth-Maticek: "Krankheit als Biographie. Ein medizinsoziologisches Modell der Krebsentstehung und -therapie" Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln 1979
  Hoffer: "Obsessions and depression" J Orthomol Psychiatry 8 78-81 1979
  Hoffer: "Behavioral nutrition" J Orthomol Psychiatry 8 169-175 1979
  Hoffer: "Crime, punishment and treatment" J Orthomol Psychiatry 8 193-199 1979
  Ott: "School lighting and hyperactivity" Int J Biosocial Res 6-8 Sommer 1980
  Von Richthofen, Mellor: "Electrosleep, therapy: a controlled study of its effects in anxiety neurosis" Can J Psychiatry 25,3 213-219 4.1980
  Haynes, Feinleib, Kannel: "The relationship of psychosocial factors to coronary heart disease in the Framingham study: III. Eight-year incidence of coronary heart disease" Am J Epidemiol 111 37-58 1980
  Hoffer, Osmond: "Schizophrenia: another long term follow-up in Canada" J Orthomol Psychiatry 9 107-113 1980 mit Niacin viel weniger Krankenhauszeit, weniger Selbstmord.. gute Tabelle..
  Galland: "Easing stress: How to help patients learn to relax" Patient Care 14 138-172 1980 Entspannungstechniken gg. Ängste..
  Rich, Pitts: "Suicide by psychiatrists: a study of medical specialists among 18,730 consecutive physician deaths during a five-year period, 1967-72" J Clin Psychiatry 41,8 261-263 8.1980 953 Ärzte-Selbstmord..
  Crawshaw, Bruce, Eraker, Greenbaum, Lindemann, Schmidt: "An epidemic of suicide among physicians on probation" JAMA 243,19 1915-1917 16.5.1980 Ärzte-Selbstmord..
  Grossarth-Maticek: "Social psychotherapy and course of disease. First experiments with cancer patients" Psychotherapy Psychosomatics 33 3 1980
  Grossarth-Maticek, Vetter: "Psychosoziale Faktoren für die Krebserkrankung - Darstellung einer retrospektiven Studie" Zeitschrift für Analyse, Prävention und Therapie psychosozialer Konflikte und Krankheiten 1 108-125 1981
  Spiegel, Bloom, Yalom: "Group support for patients with metastatic cancer. A randomized outcome study" Arch Gen Psychiatry 38,5 527-533 5.1981
  Rajaram, Mitra: "Correlation between convulsive seizure and geomagnetic activity" Neuroscience letters 24 187-191 1981
  Perry, Reichmanis, Marino, Becker: "Environmental power-frequency magnetic fields and suicide" Health Phys 41,2 267-277 8.1981 durch hohe Magnetfelder 40% mehr Selbstmorde..
  Harrell, Capp, Davis, Peerless, Ravitz: "Can nutritional supplements help mentally retarded children? an exploratory study" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 78,1 574-578 1.1981 in 4 Monaten deutlich höherer IQ.. auch bei Down-Syndrom..
  Lansky: "Possibility of hypnosis as an aid in cancer therapy" Perspect Biol Med 25,3 496-503 1982
  Lewy, Kern, Rosenthal, Wehr: "Bright artificial light treatment of a manic-depressive patient with a seasonal mood cycle" Am J Psychiatry 139,11 1496-1498 11.1982
  House, Robbins, Metzner: "The association of social relationships and activities with mortality: Prospective evidence from the Tecumseh Community Health Study" Am J Epidemiology 116 123-140 1982
  Grossarth-Maticek, Siegrist, Vetter: "Interpersonal repression as a predictor of cancer" Social Science Medicine 16 493-498 1982
  Wohlfahrt, Sam: "The effect of color psychodynamic environmental modification upon psychophysiological and behaviorial reactions of severely handicapped children" Int J Biosocial Research 3/1 10-38 1982
  Berkman, Breslow: "Health and ways of living: The Alameda County study" New York: Oxford University Press 1983 Sterberate stark von sozialer Bindung abhängig.. Faktor 4 Unterschied zwischen den Gruppen..
  Hoffer: "Orthomolecular nutrition at the zoo" J Orthomol Psychiatry 12 116-128 1983
  Reed, McGee, Yano, Feinleib: "Social networks and coronary heart disease among Japanese men in Hawaii" Am J Epidemiol 117 384-397 1983
  Levins, Carr, Fisher, Momtaz, Parrish: "Plasma [beta]-endorphin and [beta]-lipotropin response to ultraviolet radiation" Lancet 2,8342 166 1983
  Kripke, Risch, Janowsky: "Bright white light alleviates depression" Psychiatry Res 10,2 105-112 10.1983
  McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The health of the parolee: clinical considerations" Int J Biosocial Res 5,1 34-39 1983 Verbrecher sind kränker..
  Hoffer: "Orthomolecular treatment of schizophrenia" Soc Environmental Therapy 4 3-6 1984
  Reich: "Die bio-elektrische Untersuchung von Sexualität und Angst" Nexus, Frankfurt 1984
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  McGrath, Saari, Haddo, Jokelainen, Jones, Jarvelin, Chant, Isohanni: "Vitamin D supplementation during the first year of life and risk of schizophrenia: a Finnish birth cohort study" Schizophrenia Research 67 2-3 237-45 2004
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  Hawton, Malmberg, Simkin: "Suicide in doctors. A psychological autopsy study" J Psychosom Res 57,1 1-4 7.2004 häufige Selbstmorde bei Ärzten.. Depression, Alkohol, Medikamente, Arbeitsprobleme, Beziehungsprobleme, finanzielle Probleme.. Selbstvergiftung..
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  Housman, Dorman: "The Alameda County Study: a systematic, chronological review" Am J Health Education 36,5 302-308 2005 mehr Sterblichkeit, Krebs durch weniger soziale Bindung..
  Ventegodt, Andersen, Merrick: "Rationality and irrationality in Ryke Geerd Hamer’s system for holistic treatment of metastatic cancer" Scientific World J 5 93-102 28.1.2005 Hamers psychosomatische Theorie.. erste beide Hamer-Gesetze ganzheitlich gut etabliert.. Salutogenese-Konzept.. 3 andere Gesetze weichen ab.. Besserung bzw. Heilung bei metastasierendem Krebs für motivierte Patienten möglich..
  Butler, Symons, Henderson, Shortliffe, Spiegel: "Hypnosis reduces distress and duration of an invasive medical procedure for children" Pediatrics 115,1 e77-85 1.2005
  Adams: "Physician suicide: Searching for answers" Am Med News 25.5.2005 seit 1858 mehr Selbstmorde bei Ärzten..
  Hilton: "The origins of old age psychiatry in Britain in the 1940s" History Psychiatry 16,3 267-289 2005 Vitamin C in 40er Jahren..
  Aursnes, Tvete, Gassemyr, Natvig: "Suicide attempts in clinical trials with paroxetine randomised against placebo" BMC Med 3 14 22.8.2005 Antidepressiva Paxil erhöht Selbstmorde..
  Breggin: "Recent regulatory changes in antidepressant labels: Implications for activation (stimulation) in clinical practice" Primary Psychiatry 13 57-60 2006 mehr Selbstmorde durch Antidepressiva..
  Breggin: "Court filing makes public my previously suppressed analysis of Paxil's effects" Ethical Hum Psychol Psychiatry 8,1 77-84 2006 Selbstmorde durch Paxil..
  Aursnes, Tvete, Gassemyr, Natvig: "Even more suicide attempts in clinical trials with paroxetine randomised against placebo" BMC Psychiatry 6 55 2006 Antidepressiva Paxil erhöht Selbstmorde klar und deutlich..
  Lawrence: "Omega-3, junk food and the link between violence and what we eat" Guardian 17.10.2006 Kriminalität durch Nährstoffmängel..
  Milling, Reardon, Carosella: "Mediation and moderation of psychological pain treatments: response expectancies and hypnotic suggestibility" J Consult Clin Psychol 74,2 253-262 4.2006 Hypnose gegen Schmerzen..
  Chan, Ho, Lee, Cheng, Leung, Foo, Chow, Sham, Spiegel: "A randomized controlled trial of psychosocial interventions using the psychophysiological framework for chinese breast cancer patients" J Psychosoc Oncol 1,24 3-26 2006
  Horsch, Schurgast: "Verhaltensauffälligkeiten und Hyperaktivität bei Kindern und Erwachsenen. Bewertung von Schadstoff-Belastungen und Mineralstoff-Imbalancen durch die Bestimmung von toxischen Metallen, Mineralstoffen und Spurenelementen im Haar" Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Ganzheitsmedizin 18,2 88-93 2006
  Kemperman, Veurink, van der Wal, Knegtering, Bruggeman, Fokkema, Kema, Korf, Muskiet: "Low essential fatty acid and B-vitamin status in a subgroup of patients with schizophrenia and its response to dietary supplementation" Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids
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  Pogarell, Koch, Popperl, Tatsch, Jakob, Zwanzger, Mulert, Rupprecht, Moller, Hegerl, Padberg: "Striatal dopamin release after prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in major depression: Preliminary results of a dynamic [123I] IBZM SPECT study" J Psychiatr Res 40 307-314 2006
  Ebmeier: "Factors modifying the efficacy of transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of depression" J Clin Psychiatry 12.2006
  Spiegel, Butler, Giese-Davis, Koopman, Miller, Dimiceli, Classen, Fobair, Carlson, Kraemer: "Effects of supportive-expressive group therapy on survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer: a randomized prospective trial" Cancer 110,5 1130-1138 1.9.2007
  Hanifin, Brainard: "Photoreception for circadian, neuroendocrine, and neurobehavioral regulation" J Physiol Anthropol 26,2 87-94 2.2007 blaues Licht 446-484nm am wichtigsten für neuroendocrines, circadianes System und Neuroverhaltensantwort..
  George, Nahas, Borckardt, Anderson, Foust, Burns, Kose, Short: "Brain stimulation for the treatment of psychiatric disorders" Curr Opin Psychiatry 20,3 250-254 5.2007
  Pressman, Cohen: "The use of social words in autobiographies and longevity" Psychosomatic Medicine 69 262-269 2007 Zusammenhang zwischen bestimmten sozialen Wörtern in Autobiografien und Langlebigkeit..
  Bengston: "A method used to train skeptical volunteers to heal in an experimental setting" J Alternative Complementary Medicine 13,3 5.2007
  Bengston, Moga: "Resonance, placebo effects, and type II errors: Some implications from healing research for experimental methods" J Alternative Complementary Medicine 13,3 317-327 5.2007
  Palesh, Butler, Koopman, Giese-Davis, Carlson, Spiegel: "Stress history and breast cancer recurrence" J Psychosom Res 63 3 233-239 2007
  Petersen, Burnett: "The suicide mortality of working physicians and dentists" Occup Med (Lond) 58,1 25-29 1.2008 2.39x mehr Selbstmord bei Ärztinnen.. Selbstmordrate von Zahnärzten deutlich höher als die von normalen Ärzten im Alter 25-34.. geringer als normale Bevölkerung..
  Bangs, Tauscher-Wisniewski, Polzer, Zhang, Acharya, Desaiah, Trzepacz, Allen: "Meta-analysis of suicide-related behavior events in patients treated with atomoxetine" J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 47,2 209-218 2.2008 Selbstmord durch Medikamente..
  Spiegel, Harrington: "What is the placebo worth?" BMJ 336,7651 967-968 3.5.2008
  Chida, Hamer, Wardle, Steptoe: "Do stress-related psychosocial factors contribute to cancer incidence and survival?" Nat Clin Pract Oncol 5,8 466-475 8.2008 165 Studien zeigen mehr Krebs durch Stress.. weniger überlebende Krebspatienten in 330 Studien.. mehr Krebssterblichkeit in 53 Studien..
  Turner, Matthews, Linardatos, Tell, Rosenthal: "Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy" N Engl J Med 358 252-260 17.1.2008 ungünstige Studien zu Antidepressiva selten veröffentlicht..
  Fahrenkopf, Sectish, Barger, Sharek, Lewin, Chiang, Edwards, Wiedermann, Landrigan: "Rates of medication errors among depressed and burnt out residents: prospective cohort study" BMJ 336,7642 488-491 1.3.2008 41-76% Burnout bei Ärzten.. 6.2x so viele Medikamentenfehler bei Depression..
  Classen, Kraemer, Blasey, Giese-Davis, Koopman, Palesh, Atkinson, Dimiceli, Stonisch-Riggs, Westendorp, Morrow, Spiegel: "Supportive-expressive group therapy for primary breast cancer patients: a randomized prospective multicenter trial" Psychooncology 17,5 438-447 5.2008
  Middleton: "Today I'm grieving a physician suicide" Ann Fam Med 6,3 267-269 5.2008 Ärzte-Selbstmord..
  Bystritsky, Kerwin, Feusner: "A pilot study of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for generalized anxiety disorder" J Clin Psychiatry 69,3 412-417 3.2008
  Hoffer, Prousky: "Successful treatment of schizophrenia requires optimal daily doses of vitamin B3" Alternative Med Review 13,4 287-291 2008 Erfolge und 18 Literaturstellen..
  Hoffer: "Vitamin therapy in schizophrenia" Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci 45,1 3-10 2008 Schizophrenie..
  Butler, Waelde, Hastings, Chen, Symons, Marshall, Kaufman, Nagy, Blasey, Seibert, Spiegel: "Meditation with yoga, group therapy with hypnosis, and psychoeducation for long-term depressed mood: a randomized pilot trial" J Clin Psychol 64,7 1-15 2008
  Kirsch, Deacon, Huedo-Medina, Scoboria, Moore, Johnson: "Initial severity and antidepressant benefits: A meta-analysis of data submitted to the Food and Drug Administration" Plos Med 5,2 e45 2.2008 Antidepressiva der neuesten Generation wirken nur schwach.. bei mittlerer Depression kein Unterschied zu Plazebos.. kein signifikanter Unterschied bei schwerer Depression..
  Peled, Carmil, Siboni-Samocha, Shodam-Vardi: "Breast cancer, psychological distress and life events among young women" BMC Cancer 8 245 22.8.2008 positives Denken gg. Brustkrebs.. schmerzhaftes Ereignis steigert Risiko +60%.. positive Lebenseinstellung Risiko -25%..
  Wright, Dietrich, Ris, Hornung, Wessel, Lanphear, Ho, Rae: "Association of prenatal and childhood blood lead concentrations with criminal arrests in early adulthood" PLoS Medicine 5,5 27.5.2008 signifikant höhere Kriminalität durch Blei im Blut..
  Barragán-Rodríguez, Rodríguez-Morán, Guerrero-Romero: "Efficacy and safety of oral magnesium supplementation in the treatment of depression in the elderly with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, equivalent trial" Magnes Res 21,4 218-223 12.2008 Magnesiumchlorid ähnlich wirksam wie Imipramin, weniger Nebenwirkungen..
  Turner, Matthews, Linardatos, Tell, Rosenthal: "Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy" N Engl J Med 358,3 252-260 17.1.2008 fast nur positive Ergebnisse veröffentlicht, obwohl nur ca. 51% positiv lt. FDA..
  Bengston, Murphy: "Can healing be taught?" Explore 4,3 197-200 2008
  Cohen, Janicki-Deverts: "Can we improve our physical health by altering our social networks?" Perspectives on Psychological Science 4 375-378 2009
  Fournier, DeRubeis, Hollon, Dimidjian, Amsterdam, Shelton, Fawcett: "Antidepressant drug effects and depression severity: a patient-level meta-analysis" JAMA 303,1 47-53 6.1.2010 bei geringer Depression sind Antidepressiva kaum besser als Plazebo..
  Binfaré, Rosa, Lobato, Santos, Rodrigues: "Ascorbic acid administration produces an antidepressant-like effect: evidence for the involvement of monoaminergic neurotransmission" Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 33,3 530-540 30.4.2009 Vitamin C gg. Depressionen..
  Moga, Bengston: "Anomalous magnetic field activity during a bioenergy healing experiment" J Scientifc Exploration 24,3 397-410 2010
  Hendricks, Bengston, Gunkelman: "The healing connection: EEG harmonics, entrainment, and Schumann's resonances" J Scientifc Exploration 24,4 655-666 2010
  Bengston: "Breakthrough: clues to healing with intention" Edge Science 2 5-9 2010 Hand auflegen, Test mit Brustkrebs bei Mäusen, die normalerweise in 27 Tagen sterben.. erstaunliche Heilung durch Geisteskraft.. Tumoren abgestoßen, auch bei der unbehandelten Kontrollgruppe.. Effekt der Verschränkung.. Skeptiker als Heiler..
  Amminger, Schäfer, Papageorgiou, Klier, Cotton, Harrigan, Mackinnon, McGorry, Berger: "Long-chain {omega}-3 fatty acids for indicated prevention of psychotic disorders. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial" Arch Gen Psychiatry 67,2 146-154 2010
  Elder: "The importance of relative standards in ADHD diagnoses: Evidence based on exact birth dates" J Health Economics 29,5 641-656 2010 zu viele ADHD-Diagnosen.. 1 Jahr spätere Einschulung -> 5.4% weniger Diagnose.. vermutlich 1 Mio Kinder zu Unrecht zu ADHS-Patienten erklärt und behandelt lt. Focus.. Nebenwirkung: 320-500 Mio Kosten, erhöhter Puls und Blutdruck, höhere Sterblichkeit, weniger Wachstum
  Kale, Naphade, Sapkale, Kamaraju, Pillai, Joshi, Mahadik: "Reduced folic acid, vitamin B12 and docosahexaenoic acid and increased homocysteine and cortisol in never-medicated schizophrenia patients: implications for altered one-carbon metabolism" Psychiatry Res 175,1-2 47-53 30.1.2010 Folsäure, Vitamin B12..
  Moore, Joseph, Furberg: "Prescription drugs associated with reports of violence towards others" PLoS ONE 5,12: e15337 2011 massiver Anstieg an Gewalt durch Antidepressiva, ADHD-Mittel etc.. detaillierte Auflistung der Mittel und Risiken..
  Carek, Laibstain, Carek: "Exercise for the treatment of depression and anxiety" Int J Psychiatry Med 41,1 15-28 2011
  Siegrist: "Berufliche Gratifikationskrisen und depressive Störungen" Psychotherapeut 56 21-25 2011 Depression durch zu wenig Return on invest.. Modell der Gratifikationskrisen..
  Zhang, Robitaille, Eintracht, Hoffer: "Vitamin C provision improves mood in acutely hospitalized patients" Nutrition 27,5 530-533 5.2011 zu wenig Vitamin C und D bei Krankenhauspatienten.. Vitamin C-Gabe erhöht Plasma-Konzentration.. 34% weniger Stimmungsschwankung..
  Ott: "Meditation für Skeptiker Teil 2" Tattva Viveka 48 34-45 8.2011
  McGrath, Brown, St Clair: "Prevention and schizophrenia - the role of dietary factors" Schizophr Bull 37,2 272-283 3.2011 Vitamin D, Folsäure, Eisen..
  Lai, Moxey, Nowak, Vashum, Bailey, McEvoy: "The efficacy of zinc supplementation in depression: systematic review of randomised controlled trials" J Affect Disord 136,1-2 e31-e39 1.2012 Zink hilfreich bei Depression..
  Gracious, Finucane, Friedman-Campbell, Messing, Parkhurst: "Vitamin D deficiency and psychotic features in mentally ill adolescents: a cross-sectional study" BMC Psychiatry 12,38 9.5.2012 Vitamin D..
  Emeny, Lacruz, Baumert, Zierer, von Eisenhart Rothe, Autenrieth, Herder, Koenig, Thorand, Ladwig: "Job strain associated CRP is mediated by leisure time physical activity: results from the MONICA/KORA study" Brain Behav Immun 26,7 1077-1084 10.2012 psychologischer Stress als Risiko für Herz..
  Viljoen: "Burnout, coping and sense of coherence in an engineering organisation" Masterarbeit Universität Südafrika 11.2012
  Belvederi Murri, Respino, Masotti, Innamorati, Mondelli, Pariante, Amore: "Vitamin D and psychosis: mini meta-analysis" Schizophr Res 150,1 235-239 10.2013 Vitamin D..
  Crews, Lally, Gardner-Sood, Howes, Bonaccorso, Smith, Murray, Di Forti, Gaughran: "Vitamin D deficiency in first episode psychosis: a case-control study" Schizophr Res 150,2-3 533-537 11.2013 Vitamin..
  Emeny et al: "Contributions of job strain and 9 emerging biomarkers of coronary events in healthy workers: the MONICA/KORA Augsburg case-cohort" Psychosomatic Medicine 75,3 317-325 2013 Stress und Herz..
  Takagi, Sakamoto, Kokubo, Yoichi, Kawano, Yamamoto: "Meditator's non-contact effect on cucumbers" Int J Physical Sciences 8,15 647-651 4.2013 Meditation wirkt auf Gurken.. Gurkenscheiben als Biosensor.. Messen der Gasemission..
  Mozaffari-Khosravi, Nabizade, Yassini-Ardakani, Hadinedoushan, Barzegar: "The effect of 2 different single injections of high dose of vitamin D on improving the depression in depressed patients with vitamin D deficiency: a randomized clinical trial" J Clin Psychopharmacol 33,3 378-385 6.2013 150000-300000 IU Vitamin D-Injektion bessert Depression..
  Kozhevnikov, Elliott, Shephard, Gramann: "Neurocognitive and somatic components of temperature increases during g-Tummo meditation: legend and reality" PLoS ONE 8,3 e58244 2013 Temperaturerhöhung durch Meditation..
  Gesch: "Adolescence: Does good nutrition = good behaviour?" Nutr Health 22,1 55-65 4.2.2014 hohe Jugendkriminalität ernährungsabhängig.. durch mehr Nährstoffe 26.3% weniger Probleme.. durch 2 Wochen Nährstoffe 37% weniger Gewalt..
  Brown, Roffman: "Vitamin supplementation in the treatment of schizophrenia" CNS Drugs 28,7 611-622 7.2014 Folsäure, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D bei Schizophrenie..
  Türksoy, Bilici, Yalçiner, Ozdemir, Ornek, Tufan, Kara: "Vitamin B12, folate, and homocysteine levels in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder" Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 10 1671-1675 9.9.2014 zu wenig Folsäure, B12 -> schlechte Gehirnfunktion, Demenz..
  Vashum, McEvoy, Milton, McElduff, Hure, Byles, Attia: "Dietary zinc is associated with a lower incidence of depression: Findings from two Australian cohorts" J Affect Disord 166 249-257 9.2014 mehr Depression durch weniger Zinkaufnahme..
  Kern, Geier, Bjørklund, King, Homme, Haley, Sykes, Geier: "Evidence supporting a link between dental amalgams and chronic illness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and suicide" Neuro Endocrinol Lett 35,7 537-552 24.12.2014 Zusammenhang Amalgam und chronische Krankheit, Müdigkeit, Depression, Ängste, Selbstmord..
  Kuyken et al: "Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy compared with maintenance antidepressant treatment in the prevention of depressive relapse or recurrence (PREVENT): a randomised controlled trial" Lancet 21.4.2015 Meditation besser als Antidepressiva.. klare Grafik.. Rückfall mit Meditation 44%, mit Antidepressiva 47%..
  Wilson, Hong: "Acupuncture as a viable adjunct to psychotherapy for generalized anxiety disorder" Int J Clin Acup 24,4 231-235 2015 Akupunktur..
  Amerio, Galvez, Odone, Dalley, Ghaemi: "Carcinogenicity of psychotropic drugs: A systematic review of US Food and Drug Administration-required preclinical in vivo studies" Aust N Z J Psychiatry 49,8 686-696 8.2015 71.4% aller untersuchten Psycho-Medikamente karzinogen.. 90% der neuen Antipsychotika, 85.7% der Antikonvulsivmittel, 63.6% der Antidepressiva, 70% der Benzodiazepine..
  Firth, Carney, Stubbs, Teasdale, Vancampfort, Ward, Berk, Sarris: "Nutritional deficiencies and clinical correlates in first-episode psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis" Schizophr Bull doi:10.1093 30.11.2017 bei Psychosen weniger Folsäure, Vitamin D, Vitamin C..
  Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung DGUV: "Nichtvisuelle Wirkungen von Licht auf den Menschen" DGUV-Information 215-220 Beuth-Verlag 9.2018 jedes Licht das ins Auge fällt führt zu nichtvisuellen Wirkungen - egal ob Sonne, Lampe, LED, Bildschirm, Tablet, Smartphone, E-Book-Reader.. Synchronisation Schlaf-Wachrhythmus, innere Uhr.. gestörter Stoffwechsel, gestörte Verdauung, gestörter Kreislauf, gestörte Hormone (Melatonin, Cortisol), gestörte Körperkerntemperatur, gestörtes Immunsystem, gestörte Psyche, Schlafprobleme, Müdigkeit, geringere Leistungsfähigkeit, mangelhafte Aufmerksamkeit, mehr Unfälle.. falsches Licht zur falschen Zeit als Gesundheitsproblem -> das richtige Licht zur richtigen Zeit.. Arbeitsschutzgesetz, Arbeitsstättenverordnung..
  Brooks, Webster, Smith, Woodland, Wessely, Greenberg, Rubin: "The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence" Lancet 395,10227 912-920 14.3.2020 negative psycholog. Effekte von Quarantäne.. Selbstmorde, post-traumatische Stresssymptome, Verwirrung, Ärger, Infektionsangst, Frustration, Langeweile, Versorgungsmängel, Informationsmängel, Geldverlust, Stigmatisierung..
  Rowe, Carr: "Global vitamin C status and prevalence of deficiency: A cause for concern?" Nutrients 12,7 2008 2020 Vitamin C-Mangel üblich.. Mangelsymptome Müdigkeit, Lethargie, Stimmungsschwankungen, Reizbarkeit, Depression..
  da Silva, de Santana, Costa, Pereira, Nepomuceno, Queiroz, de Oliveira, da Conceição-Machado, de Sena: "Zinc supplementation combined with antidepressant drugs for treatment of patients with depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis" Nutr Rev 79,1 1-12 1.1.2021 Zink kann helfen bei Depression..

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