The following are
excerpts from a much longer paper found at


There appears to be some disagreement as to the spelling of Abrams name. The
paper was written in
1923, but you will be able to see similarities
with the medical atmosphere in the current time.
To begin with, Albert Abrahms, M. D., LLD., F.R.M.S., is a Jew born in San
Francisco. At 19 he graduated from
Heidelberg University and later
took post graduate courses in London, Berlin, Paris and Vienna, and on his
return to America became a rather prominent figure in West Coast medical circles,
according to his biographical sketch in 'Who's Who in America'.
At 26 he was elected Vice President of the California State Medical Society,
accepted a professorship in Cooper Medical College (Leland Stanford University)
at 30, and later became president of Emanuel Polyclinic. During this time
he made certain medical discoveries and was author of several textbooks on
disease and
But his more recent findings, referred to above were considered to be so revolutionary
and startling that he claims not to have mentioned them to his fellow physicians
for a long time,
fearing he would not be believed. This interim was
industriously spent in
private verification of the system he had formulated,
thousands of cases being used to
check and recheck his basic
theory until he had gathered what be believed was sufficient proof to convince
the whole medical fraternity; then he announced his experiments to the world.
It appears that his previous fears were well founded. The medical profession
with characteristic conservatism tabooed the discoveries and condemned the
discoverer without much regard for his accumulated proofs, and the Journal
of the American Medical Association heaped him with satire and virtually proclaimed
him a prince of quacks.
On the other hand a minority of 'regular' physicians, laying professional
prejudice aside, have dared to investigate the Abrahms theories: and these
now declare that he has made one of the greatest 'finds' of the century. They
furthermore assert that his 'persecution' from the old school conservatives
simply proves him to be
several years ahead of his time.
Regardless of the merits of either side of the controversy, it is obvious
that should Dr. Abrahms methods meet with popular approval, as they are already
doing in many quarters, many great medical institutions, drug factories and
drug stores would have to find other lines of business or close their doors.
"The Abrahms method of
diagnosis and treatment is called the '
System', the letters E.R.A. having been chosen by the founder to represent
Electronic Reactions of Abrahms'.
In view of the electronic structure of matter and its general property of
radioactivity, Dr. Abrahms conceived the idea that in order to uproot a disease
in the organism it is essential to go beyond the cellular tissues and really
get at the electronic structures of the atoms. It seemed reasonable
to his mind that disease is
capable of producing certain changes in the
rate or manner of rotation of the electrons in the affected atoms, and
that so long as the electrons are not vibrating normally the entire organism
will be
out of balance.
All this sounds logical, but how to correct, the abnormality of the electronic
vibrations is the great problem. It is manifest that the planetary electrons
of atomic systems are capable of many different motions at once, even as planets
of a solar system undergo several simultaneous motions in their orbital journeys.
It appeared to Abrahms, therefore, that
each disease may have its characteristic
vibratory rate, or rather the power to affect the motion of the electrons
in a characteristic way, without destroying the vibratory motions which the
electrons previously possessed, if this be so, an
electronic analysis of
the blood or tissues should reveal the existence of whatever diseases
may be present therein, provided a means could be devised to do this.
Being of an inventive turn of mind, Dr. Abrahms set upon the task of developing
an apparatus that would
sort out these hypothetical vibratory rates
and record them separately...
The Abrahms theory of treatment consist in throwing into the patient's body
electric impulse having the same vibratory
rate as that of the disease. The object of this is to sympathetically
and intensify the vibration so that it
will be eventually broken,
just as the trot of a dog across a shaky bridge has been known to set up such
an intense sympathetic vibration as to cause the bridge to collapse.
The recent appalling disaster in Washington, D.C., when the roof of the American
Theatre collapsed and fell upon the audience, killing and maiming a multitude,
has been attributed largely to the sympathetic vibrations in the rafters,
produced by the music from the giant organ used during the performance. It
is due to the same cause that
reinforced concrete has been unable to stand
up alongside solid concrete in certain prolonged tests; the metal used for
the reinforcing often taking up sympathetically the vibrations from outside
sources, thereby causing the concrete to become eventually weakened.
Abrahms accordingly contends that if a vibration sympathetic to that of the
disease is set up throughout all the tissues, cells, molecules and atoms of
the patient's body, it will ultimately cause that
particular electronic
movement to collapse. When this is done the disease has been mastered,
he declares, and it then remains for nature to use its untrammeled powers
of carrying off the accumulated poisons and restoring the patient to normal.
The Abrahms method of treatment is therefore
essentially destructive
not constructive.
The instrument which Dr. Abrahms has invented for purpose of treatment is
called an
Oscilloclast. The word means 'vibration breaker'. After being
attached to an electric light socket the machine is then connected up with
the patient's body. By means of its rheostat
various vibratory rates
may be produced. If a patient is suffering from tuberculosis the Oscilloclast
is set so as to throw into his body a vibratory rate corresponding to that
which the disease has already created in his system. The patient
no sensation, because those
vibrations are smaller than what our senses
may detect; yet they may be recognized by the effects which they produce.
The organism of a single tubercular germ contains millions of atoms with their
multitudinous retinue of rotating and vibrating electrons. The tuberculosis
rate of vibration is characteristic of these infectious parasites. When a
person becomes infected with them they communicate their rate of vibration
to the electrons of his blood and tissues, meanwhile breeding and thriving
in the favorable environment which they have there created.
Oscilloclast treatments are expected to
increase and intensify
these vibrations until the electrons of the germ-bodies, as well as the
electrons of the diseased cells of the patient's body, are
overcome and
broken up. This should kill the tubercular germs; for their lives depend
upon the vibratory rate peculiar to their nature. It is impossible for them
to live in any other state or condition.
The breaking up of the tuberculosis rate of vibration in no wise affects the
other vibratory motions of the atomic systems involved. Each motion must be
dealt with separately. If the patient is suffering from both
cancer, the
Oscilloclast is set first at the one rate and then
at the other, alternating the treatments as the conditions may require.
The treatments usually
last about an hour, but
the time may be varied to longer or shorter periods as the case may demand.
Intermittent treatments are sometimes more effective than prolonged,
continuous treatments. About
once a week during treatments the physician
is expected to take a
new blood test to determine if the potentiality
of the disease has been reduced, and how much. As soon as reactions disappear
upon the reagent when the potential rheostat has reached the zero point the
Oscilloclast treatments are discontinued. Much harm, it is said, may result
from over-treatment.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The entire article is worth a look. It appears to me that Abrams thought he
had a scientific basis for what he did. But the whole idea of radionics is
strange enough that it is not surprising that it would attract new age people,
nature worshippers, pagans (people that make up their own religions) and so
on. Eventually, those who used the term "radionics" formed two groups that
one radionics researcher has called the "air heads" and the "egg heads".
The "air heads" took the view that the radionics test equipment was just a
device that aided connecting up with the spirit world, their own psychic
energy, the universal consciousness or what ever. It appears to me that the
air heads make up the majority of those who use the term "radionics" today.
These folks do a huge variety of things that they call "radionics" which do
not appear to resemble the work of Abrams.
The "egg heads" are
still activating herbs using various resistances
for the "rates" or are applying the activation screen directly to the body.
The activation unit of today does not appear to resemble the original oscilloclast.
Some radionics practitioners also
transmit the rates to distant locations.
I do not know how this is done. The egg heads are also looking for ways to
automate/computerize the testing procedure. The Quantum Xroid may be
a successful attempt.
I do not have information on building a radionics testing device or "Abrams
machine" To build an activation device you must have experience
with high voltages, or find someone with experience to help you.
Start with a small project box. Into the box run a
110 VAC cord using
a suitable grommet or other protector for the cord. Use a polarized cord that
has a wide and a narrower connector on the plug. The
"hot" side of
the cord (should be the smaller of the two connectors on the plug) is
through the desired resistor (50,000 ohms for tumors)
and then through a
.047 or .1 microfarad capacitor.
The resistor (or series of resistors) needs to be within 1% of the desired
value. I put a small terminal block in the box to attach both 110 volt lines,
resistor, and capacitor to. I connect the other end of the capacitor
a banana jack on the other end of the box from where the cord comes into
the box. If desired, you can attach a small 110 volt light bulb to both 110
volt wires. It does not really tell you if the box is doing anything. It tells
you that there is power to the box, and it makes it look like something is
I take a six foot piece of
flexible wire, and put a banana plug on
one end to plug into the box. The other end goes to a
six inch square of
brass or copper mesh with a fine mesh like fly screen. That is the
screen where bottles of herbs are placed for
eight or more hours
for activation.
At first glance, it would seem unlikely that this device is going to do anything
as only one of the two 110 volt wires is used. My gauss meter does, however,
read about 3 gauss at the activation plate.
I suppose the return for the circuit is through the air to ground.
with the unit are excellent.
portable version can be made for those who desire to wear the activation
screen during the day. The positive side of a
9 volt battery is used
and the capacitor is omitted.
These are "rates" that can be
safely used without testing for up to
six months. 05000 can be used for tumors indefinitely. Some others which stimulate
glands and organs should only be used after competent radionics testing.
05000 (50,000 ohms) - tumors, blood clots, atherosclerosis
15520 (155,200 ohms) - viruses (but not cancer viruses)
20080 (200,800 ohms) - carcinoma or sarcoma (virus)
20580 (205,800 ohms) - lymphoma, melanoma
21280 (212,800 ohms) - carcinoma
54220 (542,200 ohms) - some parasites, worms, l-form bacteria
66000 (660,000 ohms) - genetic miasma/miasm (cancer patients
should use this for six months)
76900 (769,000 ohms) - staph
78400 (784,000 ohms) - strep, fungus
80300 (803,000 ohms) - TB, high PSA (see "Irwin's Story")
81400 (814,000 ohms) - fungus
83100 (831,000 ohms) - candida
Radionics Related Material
Abrams 1-14
Autoclast 1-10
Oscilloclast 1-3